What Type of Relationship Builder Are You? by Ellen Galvin | Aug 22, 2022 Discover Your Relationship Builder Type: Assessment 10 Questions, 5 minutes The ten questions in this five-minute assessment will explore your approach to relationship building and evaluate your effectiveness in building strong, trust-based connections that fuel professional success and personal fulfillment. This is an assessment and not a test; as such, there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. If some choices are difficult, choose the answer that is correct most often. This will give you the most meaningful results. Your Relationship Builder Type will be displayed after you enter the requested contact information and click SUBMIT. For the full assessment report, please check your inbox. 1. Which of the following BEST describes you? I don't spend much time or energy on relationship building. I find it difficult sometimes to reach out and connect with others. Relationship building is natural and fun for me. I am a good relationship builder because I work at it. I haven't given much thought to my relationship-building abilities. None 2. What is your GENERAL APPROACH to relationship building? I facilitate connections between people who can help one another. I am open to making new connections if they come my way. I focus on building relationships that are in line with my goals. I already have all the personal or professional connections that I need. I am working on developing my relationship-building skills. None 3. You are invited to a business or social event. What do you do? I decline because I do not enjoy networking. I spend the evening talking with my friends and coworkers. I make efforts to introduce myself to people I don’t know. I wait to be introduced to people I don’t know. I look to make mutually beneficial introductions between people. None 4. How would you BEST describe your current network of connections? Non-existent or small Predominantly family and friends People who've connected with me People I've connected with and who are a lot like me A large and diverse mix of people None 5. What is the MOST COMMON way you meet new people? I ask my connections for an introduction. They find me. I meet people at work or online. I am introduced by someone else. I search people out and contact them directly. None 6. What is your PRIMARY reason for engaging in relationship-building activities? I am genuinely interested in adding value to my network. It is expected of me (by my boss, my job description, etc.). It is important to my professional advancement. I feel obliged to reciprocate other people's outreach efforts. I want to make new friends and grow my professional connections. None 7. What is your GREATEST STRENGTH as a relationship builder? Don’t know (haven’t given it much thought) Knowing that I still have a lot to learn Being open and responsive to other people Not being afraid to step outside my comfort zone Serving others without consideration for how I will benefit None 8. Which aspect of relationship building do you struggle the MOST with? Making time on my calendar for relationship-building activities Taking time to focus on myself Asking other people for help Being confident in the value that I bring to others Acknowledging people in meaningful and personal ways None 9. Which of the following MOST frustrates you about relationship building? Feeling forced to engage in connecting activities Not building a network of connections fast enough Taking time away from other important activities Investing in relationships that don’t result in business Dealing with people who treat relationships as transactions None 10. Of the following, which gives you the MOST satisfaction? Not having to rely on others for my own success Building relationships with people different from myself Being asked to share my talents and knowledge with others Being able to ask my network for help when I need it Creating opportunities that bring people together None Thank you for completing The Relationship Builder Assessment! Please take a moment to complete the following. First Name Last Name Business / Occupation Email Phone Number Time's up