Online business networking platforms have come and gone (remember Biznik?) but the dominant platform remains LinkedIn....
Connecting & Networking Articles
Meet 5 New People: Networking Techniques to Build Your Business
Networking is one of the most important tools for growing a business yet it is rarely taught in schools or in...
Five Simple Ways to Build Better Business Connections
What does it take to build genuine and meaningful business connections? We all know that success depends largely on...
Use Chutzpah to Turn Casual Contacts Into Meaningful Connections
If you’re thinking about shifting marketing dollars away from traditional advertising to focus on social media, you are not alone. In Nielsen’s 2013 Paid Social Media Advertising Report, 39% of advertisers said that they would pull budget dollars away from offline...
Go the Extra Mile: How Acts of Appreciation Build Long-Lasting Customer Connections
How many businesses distinguish gratitude from appreciation? The difference is thinking versus doing. Author Gertrude Stein famously said that “silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” On the other hand, appreciation is gratitude in action. Appreciation is the...